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Join us for the start of a new year of mission and ministry!

Fall Kickoff on September 8

Join us for the start of a new year of mission and ministry!

Worship You'll Connect With

Sunday traditional and contemporary worship and vibrant video streams are offered every Sunday morning.

Grow in Faith with Friends

Get connected with Jesus—and one another—at Cross View!

Three men give a

Serve Others

At Cross View, we strive to be the hands of feet of Jesus in the Twin Cities and beyond.

Senior High Youth in Mpls


Through Bible study, service opportunities, conferences, and social activities, we embrace the future of the church: youth.

VBS Parachute Girl

Kids Count!

Our Children's Ministry lays a fun, engaging foundation of spiritual development.

Guatemala Group

Global Vision

Our vision for ministry extends well beyond the Twin Cities.

Early Childhood Center

Early Childhood Center

In our ECC, faith is nurtured while students receive a wide variety of age-appropriate learning experiences.

Sunday Worship

Cross View offers onsite services and live streams on Sunday mornings at 8:15 (traditional) and 10:45 (contemporary). We would love to have you worship with us! Sunday School and Bible studies are also offered. Click below to learn more about worship at Cross View.