A Message from the Pastor
I’m so glad that you have been led to explore Cross View’s website. If you’ve searched deep enough that you are reading this brief message from me, you must be searching for something that matters to you. That “something” could be as simple as our worship times or more information about our Early Childhood Center. However, that “something” could be much deeper like finding purpose in a broken world or like experiencing healing from some form of loss that has affected you.
I'm not sure what you're searching for, but I know that God is searching for you—and you are what matters to Him. I pray that, as you explore this website and consider intersecting with one of our many ministries, Cross View could be a soft landing place for you to:
- Connect with God and to experience the fullness of His love for you, which is in Christ Jesus
- Grow in your understanding of God and of His plan and purpose for your life
- Serve God as you are equipped to love and serve people both near and far
You matter to God. He is searching for you. I pray that God will use Cross View to help you discover that “something” that really matters.
Pastor Steve Wheeler