Make sure to reserve Wednesday evenings to “Recharge” for the rest of the week! The new year of Recharge starts on September 11, 2024.
- Women’s Bible Study | Room 213, 5:00–6:15 pm or 6:30–7:45 pm
- Handbell Choir | Sanctuary, 5:30–6:30 pm
- Kidstitute (5-years-old – Grade 6) | Rooms 216, 217, 218, & 223, 6:30–7:30 pm
- Confirmation (7th-8th Grade) | Junior High Room, 6:30–8:00 pm
- Community Light School of Discipleship (Sept. 11 – Feb. 12)
Lecture and Q & A in the GCR, 6:30-7:25 pm
Discussion Groups, 7:25–8:00 pm - Adult Choir | Sanctuary, 6:45–8:15 pm
- Women’s Ensemble | 8:15–8:45 (Doesn't meet every week.)
- Moms' Group | Meets once per month.