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It is a joy and privilege to share God’s love with children. Throughout the year, Cross View provides learning opportunities for ­children of all ages and their families to grow in their relationships with Jesus and to use their gifts in service. Our programming for children is age-appropriate learning focused on the Bible, prayer, worship, fellowship, and service.  (Click here to see Children’s Ministry Overview.)

Celebrating faith “Stepping Stones” is our major focus on how to equip and encourage parents to be the primary faith-shapers for their children. (Click here to see a detailed description of “Stepping Stones".) General questions about our Children's Ministries can be directed to Barb Coffin, the Director of Children's Ministry.


God loves all people, no matter what age, and our relationship with God is based on grace.  Baptism is the beginning of God’s action in our life.  To schedule a baptism or learn more about what we believe about the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, please contact Pastor Steve Wheeler or Barb Coffin.

Cradle Roll

The Cradle roll ministry acknowledges when a child is baptized.  In the next three years, on the baptism anniversary, materials are sent for the child and parent to help guide them in their Christian life.


A staffed nursery providing quality care is available during worship, the education hour, and special events for children ages birth to age 3.   

Sunday School

Sunday School classes meet Sunday mornings from 9:30 – 10:30 AM. Children gather to study God’s Word with volunteer teachers from our congregation. Little Lambs, a class for 2-year-olds and parents, is self-contained. For students age 3 through 6th grade, each week begins with an opening of devotion and song. Students then gather in smaller, age-level classes.  Our curriculum, FaithWeaver NOW, focuses on the Old Testament in the fall and on the life of Christ during winter and spring months. 

Introduction to The Bible (2nd graders and their parents)
Second graders and their parents are invited to join us during the Sunday education hour for three weeks to learn more about the Bible and how to develop some basic skills to study it. 

Welcome To The Lord's Table (5th graders and their parents)
This special class prepares 5th graders and their parents to understand and accept the Sacrament of Holy Communion.  Different staff members lead this class on Sunday mornings, with lessons, prayers, and fun games that students and parents enjoy together.

Midweek Kidstitute

Kidstitute is our Wednesday midweek program for children in kindergarten through 6th grade and meets from 6:30-7:30 PM during the school year, engaging in fun games, visual arts, Bible stories, snacks, and so much more.

Special Needs Activities Class (SNAC)

Cross View's Special Needs Activities Class seeks to nurture God’s children with special needs to know Jesus’ love and redeeming grace. Its mission is to bring up God's children (ages 3-12) with developmental disabilities to learn God's love through story-based activities, music, and crafts. It is the hope of Cross View that all of God’s people, regardless of ability, would be able to attend and feel welcomed in worship and programs at Cross View so they can learn about God’s Word. Please contact Barb Coffin ( or 952-941-1094, ext. 215) for more information.

Vacation Bible School

This week-long extravaganza takes place the week after Father’s Day every summer.  During this week in June, our sanctuary and hallways are transformed by eager children who have fun learning about Jesus at work in their lives. The event is supported by many talented volunteers with a passion for raising our children in God’s Word. Students in grades 6 and up are invited to serve on our VBS staff.

Click here for details about our Vacation Bible School.

Music Camp

Singing, dancing, laughter, creativity, hard work, and fun—it can all be found at our popular Summer Music Camp! Elementary-age children (entering grades 1-5) may join us for a week in July for music and fun! Our music campers learn songs, dialogue, and choreography during the week of camp and then share what they learn by performing a short musical for friends and family on the final morning of music camp. Please note: We do not plan to offer Music Camp in the summer of 2024.


Mission Sunday 2024

On January 7, 2024, Cross View Children's Ministry sponsored fun and informative Mission Sunday activities. Between services, children (and adults) learned about all sorts of mission opportunities, including the Rochester Servant Event, Los Vásquez (in Guatemala), POBLO, and more. Interactive stations helped make these opportunities come alive for the kids.