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Our Christian service work extends God’s teachings around the world in meaningful ways. Cross View is actively involved in serving and contributing to Lutheran World Relief and support international Christian outreach through World Relief, Human Care, and Lutheran Hour Ministries. 

Jesus instructs us to go forth and teach all nations about eternal salvation, and it’s in that spirit that Cross View supports Alaska Mission for Christ and the missionary work of Todd and Kim Roeske. We’re also proud to support the work of our own Dr. Tim Clavin, who is using his talents to assist underserved communities in Kenya and Indonesia with dental care. 

In 2019, we took initial steps toward a partnership with CALMS (Central American Lutheran Mission Society) to sow Gospel seeds in Guatemala. Today, Cross View's partnership with the people of Los Vásquez, Guatemala, continues.

Guatemala 2024 Update

On April 11, 2024, Cross View’s Guatemala mission team returned to Los Vásquez. This was the fifth-year anniversary of working with our brothers and sisters in Christ in Guatemala. Following are some of the highlights of our 2024 trip.

Once again, we carried about 100 pounds of school supplies for the teachers in the elementary school. We thank Lori Buuck and Judy Larson, along with their small groups, for donating pencils, paper, scissors, colored markers, and many other much-needed school supplies.     

In 2023, Cross View provided materials to build a greenhouse. The people of Los Vásquez donated the labor for the construction of the greenhouse, and we were excited to see the results of their hard work. Cross View also previously provided scholarships for five young men to learn woodworking skills and for five young women to learn how to sew. We donated two sewing machines so the young women can now use their education and hopefully develop a seamstress business in the village and nearby area.     

We loved hosting an “asado,” a village-wide meal, to promote good will between Cross View and the people of Los Vásquez.     

Please keep the people of Los Vásquez and our mission team in your prayers as we share the love of Jesus!

Click here for previous updates.