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Adult Bible Classes

Sunday Mornings


Learning and Living the Lord’s Prayer 
Teaching Leaders: Pastor Steve Wheeler and Pastor Reed Lessing 
Sundays, June 2–July 14, 9:30 AM
During our series on the Lord’s Prayer, Adult Bible Class digs deeper into topics that include the prayer’s context in Matthew’s gospel, forgiving people who have hurt us, and what it means to ask for God’s kingdom to come. You’re invited to go beyond the words of the Lord’s Prayer to discover its magnificent meaning.


Wednesday Evenings

The Chosen (Youth and Adult Study) 
Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 PM
Using the video series The Chosen, this class for senior high youth and adults explores what it means to be chosen by God while revisiting the Biblical stories of Jesus’ life on earth. Each week includes watching an episode together and discussing the themes. Amy Gundermann leads this class. Bring your Bible!


Other Classes

Women’s Bible Study: Leaning on Jesus, a Study of God’s Strength 
First Monday of the Month at 9:30 AM, starting January 2 (Room 218)
This Women’s Bible Study focuses on the book Leaning on Jesus, a Study of God’s Strength, by Deb Burma. This group usually meets the first Monday of the month; however, because of New Year’s Day falling on the first Monday, the first session is on Tuesday, January 2. New members are always welcome. For newcomers, the book is available from Amazon or If you have any questions, please contact Marcy at

Thursdays, 9:30–11:00 AM, with Chuck Daenzer
Jeremiah served as a prophet in the most turbulent times of Israel’s history. The last remnant of 12 tribes of David and Solomon’s Kingdom perished. Throughout his life, Jeremiah stood alone declaring God’s messages of doom. He preached about all that contributed to Judah’s destruction. God’s message through Jeremiah is one of judgment, and also of hope. If you have questions or need information, email Chuck at

Tuesday Bible Study Fellowship (BSF)

Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) for Women & Preschool Children
Tuesdays, starting September 13, 12:30 - 2:00 PM

Bible Study Fellowship LogoCross View is delighted to host a Tuesday afternoon ­Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) class for women and preschool ­children. This year, BSF will be studying “People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided." This study will unpack a fascinating period in Israel’s history across 15 books, from its split into two nations, through dozens of kings and prophets and ultimately to the heartbreaking exile into Babylon.

For more than 60 years, BSF has offered free, in-depth Bible study, now serving more than 400,000 class members on six continents in more than 120 nations. The BSF Children’s Program for infants and preschoolers (newborns to kindergarten-age) lovingly teaches the truths of Matthew at their age-appropriate level.

Want to learn more about BSF? Go to to see how BSF studies the Bible. To learn more about this year's study, visit Want to hear more about the BSF Children’s Program? Go to

Interested in joining this BSF class? Please email the Class Administrator, Ros Wright, at and she’ll be ­happy to get you and your preschool children registered for this class.