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Sunday Worship

Cross View offers onsite services and live streams on Sunday mornings at 8:15 (traditional) and 10:45 (contemporary). We would love to have you worship with us! Sunday School and Bible studies are also offered. Click below to learn more about worship at Cross View.

Life at Cross View

New to Cross View?

Welcome to Cross View! As you consider intersecting with one of our many ministries, we hope that Cross View might be a place for you to:

Connect with God and experience the fullness of His love for you.

Grow in your understanding of God and of His plan and purpose for your life.

Serve God as you are equipped to love and serve people both near and far.

Cross View is a vibrant, welcoming, outwardly-focused, growing Christian community. We would love to have you come see for yourself!

Guatemala Partnership

We are honored to partner with the people of Los Vasquez, Guatemala, and our efforts have funded the materials and contractors needed to bring the life-changing gift of clean and abundant water to that community.

Children's Ministries

Whether in Sunday School, at VBS, during midweek Kidstitute, or during worship, Cross View kids are regularly reminded of God's love for them.

Youth Ministry

Youth Group
Cross View Youth Groups

Cross View youth groups allow junior high and high school students to connect with students and adults,  grow in faith and knowledge, and serve others.

Children's Ministries

Whether in Sunday School, at VBS, during midweek Kidstitute,  in our Jubilate choir, or during worship, Cross View kids are regularly reminded of God's love for them.

Upcoming Events

August 4 - Sunday

August 18 - Sunday

September 1 - Sunday

September 8 - Sunday

September 15 - Sunday

September 22 - Sunday

September 29 - Sunday